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Am I Required to Take Mandated Reporter Training?


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Am I Required to Take Mandated Reporter Training?

Am I Required to Take Mandated Reporter Training?

Am I Required to Take Mandated Reporter Training?

Every state and territory has its own mandated reporter laws, and they vary from area to area. Because of this, taking the proper training is the best way to make sure you understand your reporting duties and responsibilities. Is that training a requirement, however? The answer depends on where you live.

Am I Required to Take Mandated Reporter Training?

Depending on the state you live in, mandated reporter training may be required. Furthermore, even if your state doesn’t necessarily require you to take mandated reporter training, it may require your employer to provide you with training.

In California

For example, a California bill that went into effect on January 1st, CA AB 1963, requires companies that employ minors with more than 5 employees to provide you with training if you’re an HR employee or supervisor who has become a mandated reporter under the new law.

Other California bills also require mandated reporters to take training if they’re in certain professions. For example, CA AB 1432 requires educators and school personnel to take mandated reporter training annually with proof of completion. Similarly, licensed child care providers in the state must take mandated reporter training within 90 days of employment, and every two years thereafter, as a condition of licensure.

More recently, in January 2022, California adopted CA AB 506, requiring youth service organizations to develop and implement child abuse prevention policies, including requirements for mandated reporting training for admins, employees, and full-time volunteers.

In Illinois

Illinois goes even further with IL SB 1778. The state requires ALL mandated reporters to take the appropriate training within three months of employment and every three years thereafter. This training must be provided by the appropriate, approved organization, which could include the Department of Children and Family Services, the State Board of Education, or the Law Enforcement Training Standards Board.

In Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, per M.G.L. CH.119, Sec. 51A (k), mandated reporters who are professionally licensed by the commonwealth are required to complete training to recognize and report suspected child abuse and neglect.

In Nevada

Per NRS 432A.177, mandated reporters are required to complete training if they work at childcare facilities and are in contact with children. They are required to receive training within the first 90 days of their employment and annually thereafter.

Additionally, mandated reporters employed by childcare facilities must also complete 24 hours of training. 12 hours of the training must be devoted to the care, education, and safety of children specific to the age group served by the childcare facility. 2 hours must also be devoted to the lifelong wellness, health, and safety of children and must include training relating to childhood obesity, nutrition, and physical activity.

In New York

In October 2023, New York announced new required training for all professionals who are mandated reporters. The updated training is geared toward ”supporting families” rather than reporting them. The new training also helps reporters develop skills to recognize signs of abuse and maltreatment in virtual settings. More than 50 professional groups, including teachers, social workers, childcare workers, doctors, and police officers, are required to take this training by April 1, 2025, in compliance with N.Y. Soc. Serv. Law § 413(5).

Each state has its own mandated reporter requirements and guidelines. Even if your state isn’t one of those listed above, the best way to know what’s required of you as a reporter is to familiarize yourself with your state’s local guidelines.

Should I Take Training Even if I Don’t Think I Have to?

Even if you don’t believe you’re required to take training, it’s still a wise idea to do so.

This is because most areas have steep consequences for failing to report. Depending on your state, failing to report suspected child abuse or neglect could be a misdemeanor or even a felony. Going through your state’s training is the best way to ensure you understand how to perform your duties and avoid serious consequences.

Every state and territory offers a mandated reporter training course, and your employer may offer one as well.

Ready to get started on your mandated reporter training? Taking your state’s course can help you gain a deeper understanding of your duties as a reporter, and meet any requirements. Find mandated reporter training in your state.

This blog was updated in December 2023 to include up-to-date information. It was originally published in January 2021.

Recognize the signs of abuse.